
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Upcoming Events

Friday, May 3rd:  Green Up Day activity at school

Saturday, May 4th:  Green Up Day

Monday, May 13th:  Stuart Little Performance at the Barre Opera House
Please return permission slips by Monday, April 28th.

Wednesday, May 29th:  P.E. Lab- Golf at the Barre Country Club
Please return permission slips by Monday, May 20th or as soon as possible.

Tuesday, June 4th:  East Montpelier Tour Field Trip
This field trip form will be coming home on Monday.

We need some help to make this special event possible!  We will need parent volunteers to drive groups of students and play an active role in the tour process. In order to be a driver, we need to make sure you are a Level II Chaperone and that the appropriate forms are on file in the EMES office.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help us with this field trip.  


Friday, April 5, 2019

East Montpelier Field Trip in June! Drivers Needed!

We will begin our study of East Montpelier in May.  There will be many fabulous components to this project including interviews with guest speakers and walking  trips.

The culminating field trip will be a day-long field trip around East Montpelier.  We will need many drivers in order to accommodate the entire second and third grade classes.  In order to drive you will need to have your level 2 records check done through the office. If you need to get this done, please contact the front office ASAP.  

We have scheduled this trip for Tuesday, June 4th, with a raindate for the 5th. There will be much more to come!

Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be able to be a driver for this field trip. Thanks!

People Who Make a Difference Unit

Throughout February and March, we have been learning about people who make a difference in our world.  This unit addresses reading, writing, art, global citizenship, and technology standards. 

During literacy and writing workshop times, students began by reading a variety of biographies independently or with a partner.  After reading about several famous people, students selected one person that they would like to study in greater depth. Our research focused on the challenges, obstacles, and questions that the person was faced and how they made a difference in our world.  Students took notes on a graphic organizer to prepare for their final Book Creator projects.

We also read several Scholastic News articles which focused on famous people, such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and Katherine Johnson.  In addition, I read aloud several biographies of famous people, such as Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. As we read, we learned about how they made a change in the world.  We noticed that they had optimism and perseverance, which helped them keep working even when times were challenging. While reading about these important people, we also learned about the history of our country, including segregation laws, the Civil Rights movement, and how women worked to get the right to vote.  

During Technology Integration times, Arlyn, Mrs. Badger, and I helped students create information books using Book Creator on their computers.  Students learned how to insert and resize text boxes, type their text, add headings, and import photos and illustrations. They also practiced putting “expert words” in bold print and changing the color and size of font.

During Discovery times, students created their own portraits of their famous people for the covers their Book Creator books.  I gave students some tips for creating portraits and asked them to look closely at illustrations and photographs of the person they were studying.  We paid careful attention to their clothing, important objects that were important to their work, and other details about their surroundings.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the EMES Celebration of Learning last night! If you would like to view our Book Creator projects online, you can find them on the Giammusso Book Creator Link on the EMES LIbrary webpage.