
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Our class has been working hard to finish up our weather unit, read and write information books, complete our Lego Robotics projects and journals, and practice strategies to solve addition and subtraction number stories!  I have been so impressed with the effort that students have put into their work this week.

On Monday, Amy (Cyrus' mom) visited and taught us some relaxing yoga movements.  It was a wonderful way to start a busy week.  Thanks Amy!

We participated in Gifts for Giving on Tuesday and made some wonderful holiday presents.  A big thank you to families that helped out with this fun event!  On Thursday morning, we had the opportunity to relax and listen to some beautiful music performed by the U32 orchestra. 

On Friday, we have several special events planned.  At 1:05, we will head down to the gym for our annual Sing Along.  From 2:45 to 3:25, we will have our class holiday party.  Families are welcome to join us for this party.  Thank you to everyone who is contributing food and beverages for this special event!

I hope you all have happy holidays and enjoy some wonderful family time during this vacation!  See you in the New Year!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Classroom News

Chex Mix

Our Chex Mix sale was a big success!  We appreciated the supplies that families donated for this project.  The money that we raised will go to the World Santa Project to provide hats, gloves, jackets, and other outdoor clothing for children in Central Vermont who are in need of these items.  Thank you to Amanda (Selah's mom), Ashley (Bryana's mom), and Scilla (Eliza's mom) for baking the Chex Mix and getting it ready for our big sale day.  Thank you to Mrs. Christy for organizing and creating the mix in her classroom during math time!

Classroom Holiday Party

We will be having a classroom holiday party on Friday, December 20th from about 3:00 to 3:30.  I am sending home a sign up if anyone would like to contribute healthy snacks, treats, or drinks for this special event.  Please return the form or email me by Tuesday morning if you are interested in helping.   Families are welcome to join us for this party.


On Monday, December 16th, Amy (Cyrus' mom) will be joining us for a yoga lesson.  If anyone has a yoga mat at home, it will be helpful if they can bring it in on Monday.

Lego Robotics

Students have been working with their partners to create programs for their bird robots.  It has been lots of fun to see them come up with new ideas, work out solutions to problems, and laugh at what happens when they run their programs.  Thanks to Ms. Arlyn for sharing this wonderful opportunity with our class!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Classroom News

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday break.  We started right back in on Monday morning with a visit from the East Montpelier Fire Department.  On Tuesday, we participated in a Four Winds lesson and learned about cones and needles from different conifers.  On Thursday and Friday, we continued our Lego Robotics work, learning how to program our robots.  Students have been making predictions about what they think will happen when they make various modifications to their design and then testing out their predictions.

During literacy, we have started our new information texts with great enthusiasm!  We have been learning new facts as we read these books with a partner or small group.  Students have also been examining their books, looking for various non-fiction text features, such as the table of contents, glossary, headings, and captions.  They are busy discovering what types of information these text features give the reader and how they help us better understand the text.  This literacy work connects well with our information text writing unit during which students will be writing their own "expert" books.

As part of our weather unit during Discovery time, we have been going outside to collect weather data,  make observations about the current weather, and make predictions about upcoming weather.  We started learning about the water cycle this week and practiced a fun new song about water vapor that helps us learn some of our new vocabulary words, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.


Third grade homework packets were due back today, Friday, December 6th.  If you didn't return your completed packet today, please bring it in on Monday, December 9th.

Second grade homework packets are due back next Friday, December 13th.

Upcoming events:

Chex Mix Preparation Day- Thursday, December 12th

Chex Mix Sale-  Friday, December 13th  (75 cents per bag)

Gifts for Giving-  Tuesday, December 17th 


Please help your child remember to bring their indoor shoes (sneakers on P.E. days) and appropriate outdoor clothing each day.  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Subtraction Facts - 3rd Grade Math

In third grade math, we have begun to focus more attention subtraction strategies.  One of the most commonly used and efficient strategies for solving basic subtraction facts is "think addition".  In this strategy, students might see the problem 15-8= and think 8 plus what equals 15.  In order for students to use this strategy they MUST know their basic addition facts.   Knowing the facts is defined as being able to orally answer within 2 seconds and answer in writing within 3 seconds.  We would typically expect students entering third grade to have mastered both addition and subtraction facts.  It is crucial that they have basic facts solidly in place in order to move on to more complex math. 

If your child is still struggling with fact knowledge, please spend a bit of time practicing at home.  If you need resources or suggestions on how to practice, please contact Mrs. Fitch or Mrs. Christy and we would be glad to help.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chex Mix

For many years Second and Third Grade classes at EMES have completed a community service project during the holidays.  The project is the "Santa Project" conducted by The World newspaper. This project collects money and buys new coats, hats, boots, and mittens for Central Vermont Children.  Second and third graders will make and sell "Chex Mix" as a fund raiser for this project.

We are in need of many boxes of cereal, crackers, etc.  If you can donate that would be great!  Please remember we cannot accept any nuts or products that have been made in a facility with nuts.  It is not necessary to get brand name products.  Here is a list of what we can use:

    • Wheat Chex (we need lots of this)
    • Corn Chex
    • Rice Chex
    • Goldfish or similar crackers
    • Cheez-it style crackers
    • Small pretzels-please check labels carefully many are made where nuts are used!

 you can volunteer some time next Thursday afternoon, December 12th from 1:45-3:30 bake and bag mix that would be a huge help!  Just email Kathy Christy (  Thanks so much!