
Wednesday, January 29, 2014


We decided to build a castle with the 101 cans that we collected.  Thanks to everyone who donated cans for this special project!  The food will go to the East Montpelier Food Shelf.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Magnets, Lego Robotics, Expert Books, and More!!

It was a short, but action-packed week!

We have been working on adding descriptions, facts, explanations, and details to our "expert" information books.  On Wednesday, February 19th at 6:00 pm, we will have an Expert Book Fair at EMES.  Students will have an opportunity to share their "published" final drafts with their families and to talk about the process of creating these books.

Our class has been learning about magnets as part of our Forces and Magnets unit.  Last week, students started their magnet posters.  This week, we have been trying out different types of magnets, discovering what happens as they attract and repel,  and learning about what types of materials are attracted to magnets.  During this unit, we will learn more about scientific method and participate in several experiments that will take us through the various steps in the process.

On Friday, I led students in a movement activity, in which they worked with partners to move like magnets attracting objects.  Partners took turns "being" the magnet and an object that a magnet would attract.  We also shared our learning through a "circle pass" activity, in which each person shared the type of object they chose.  I have created these movement lessons based on my previous work with a movement/dance specialist as part of the Words Come Alive course through St. Michael's College and the Flynn Theater.  Our class has been using movement lessons throughout the year to incorporate kinesthetic learning into various academic areas, such as science and social studies.

On Friday, Ms. Arlyn joined us again for a Lego Robotics lesson.  Students worked with their partners to build their new Lego robots.  Each team had to chose which one of the three different design challenges that they would like to try for this next five week session.

During literacy time, our class read a book called Canstruction Creations that told us about the history behind Canstruction projects, how people design and create their structures, and how the project helps others by donating the cans of food to people in need.   Our class is excited to participate in the Can-Struction competition at EMES next week.  Please send in donations by Wednesday, January 29th.

Important Dates:

Monday, January 27th- Yoga with Amy (Cyrus' mom)- Please bring a mat if you have one.

Wednesday, January 29th- Can-Struction-  See the EMES newsletter for additional information.  Please send in donations by this Wednesday for this wonderful project to benefit the East Montpelier Food Shelf.

Friday, January 31st- Homework due date and Report Cards are sent home

Wednesday, February 19th- Expert Writing Fair for grades K-6

Friday, January 17, 2014

Classroom News

This week, we continued reading non-fiction texts during literacy time.  Students are working on answering in the text, beyond the text, and about the text/author questions about their books.  Students are also making great connections as they read.  We have been practicing reading with good fluency, focusing on paying attention to punctuation and reading with expression.

We enjoyed our Comfy Cozy Day on Tuesday.  We ended the day with a Magic School Bus video and snowflake cookies.  Our class has continued to earn lots of chips this week for our teamwork skills, quick transitions, and work completion.  

We started our Magnet Unit this week by making predictions about what types of objects and materials will be attracted to magnets. We also reviewed rules about magnets, such as not putting them near computers and electronic devices.  Students have been excited to start their magnet posters.

On Thursday, Ms. Arlyn joined our class to teach us about the Gale databases.  We used this great resource to help us locate information for our expert books. 

Important reminders:

Please remind your child to bring indoor shoes each day.  On Mondays and Thursdays, students also need sneakers for P.E. class.  Thanks for your help with this! 

There is no school for students on Monday, January 20th and Tuesday, January 21st, which are teacher in-service days.

Book orders are due back on Wednesday, January, 22nd.

Please read the Canstruction information in the school newsletter!  Students can bring in cans starting next Wednesday, January 22nd.  After we complete this project, the cans will be donated to the East Montpelier Food Shelf.  What a great way to help out and have fun!

Also, please check out the PTNO informaton about the passes for the Pumphouse Indoor Waterpark at Jay Peak Resort.  This information is in Friday Folders today.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Classroom News

I have been so impressed with our class this week.  They have collaborated well in pairs and small groups, focused on lifting the level of their writing, and put in great effort with all classroom work.

As a result of all of this wonderful work, we easily earned our next classroom celebration this week.  Our class voted for a combination of a short video and Comfy Cozy Day for Tuesday afternoon.  Students can wear pajamas or other comfortable clothes on this day.  Please remind your child to wear comfortable shoes and not slippers, in case we have a fire drill.  I will also bring in a special snack on Tuesday.

We finished our weather unit with a fun review of the water cycle using movement.  In small groups, we brainstormed ways to show evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.  Each group worked together so well and chose great ways to show their learning.  We were even able to guess the type of precipitation based on  their movements. Finally, each group put all of the parts together in one continuous cycle and performed for the class.  Today, we took our end of unit assessment.  Next week, we will start on our next exciting unit about Forces and Magnets!  We are excited!

Please remember to help your child wear or pack warm outdoor clothing.  An extra pair of socks or mittens would be helpful.

January homework was sent home last week and is due back on Friday, January 31st.  Please let me know if your child needs help on an assignment or needs an extra reading log.

There is no school for students on Monday, January 21st and Tuesday, January 22nd.

I am including a book order in your child's Friday Folder.  Please return your order or complete your online order by Wednesday, January 22nd.  Our classroom code is J3G6C for online orders.  I am also including a coupon with this order.

Have a great weekend!