Dear students and families,
Welcome back! I am looking forward to this school year with our wonderful class. I wanted to let you know some important information about our classroom schedule and routines.
Specials Classes:
Here is our specials schedule. Students should remember to bring or wear sneakers for P.E. days and return books on library book pick days.
(first semester)
(book pick)
Technology Integration
Classroom Blog:
This year, I will use this classroom blog to communicate with families instead of sending home weekly paper newsletters. I will post photos, important information and details about work that we are doing in the classroom, and information about upcoming school events.
Please sign and return the blog permission form as soon as possible. Families can find my blog on the EMES website under my name on the Classrooms page. You can also follow the blog online by entering your email address in the “Follow by Email” box. If you need any help with this, please let me know. Also, please indicate on the form if you are unable to access the blog online, so I can send you a paper copy.
Sharing is an important part of our daily Morning Meeting as a whole class. It is a time for students to practice their speaking and listening skills. It is also a wonderful way for us to get to know each other better and to learn about what is most important to our classmates. Starting in September, I will send home a monthly sharing calendar. For the first few weeks, we will be doing “Lightning Shares” to learn more about each other and what we did over summer vacation.
Items to bring to school:
Please remember to pack a snack for your child each day. I usually have extra snack in case someone forgets, but not enough to supply snacks for all students every day. Also, students are encouraged to bring a water bottle that they can keep on their table. It can be helpful if students’ names are on water bottles.
I am also asking all students to leave toys, Pokemon cards, electronics, and spinners at home, unless it is needed for a student’s sharing day. In the past, I have seen these items become distracting or cause friendship issues if they become lost, broken, and traded at school. I would appreciate your help in this area.
Lunch and Recess:
Our lunch and recess times have switched this year. Second graders have recess first from 11:40 am to 12:10 pm. We will come back in for lunch from 12:10-12:40 pm.
E.C.O. will look a bit different this year. Over the past few years, I had the opportunity to work with several different E.C.O. teachers to develop a series of fun and engaging outdoor education lessons that focus on animals, habitats, adaptations, life cycles, and map skills. I am now ready to teach and further develop these lessons on my own. I would love to have family volunteers join us for these outdoor lessons. I will be sending out an E.C.O. letter soon with more information soon.
Dismissal Changes:
Please send a note or email if your student will have a change in his or her dismissal plan. If you choose to send an email, please also copy the email to Karin and Jane in the office in case I am absent that day. It would be helpful if you can contact us by 2:00, but if you need to contact us later in the afternoon, please call the office.
I am looking forward to getting to know everyone this year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
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