During our geometry unit, we have been building and naming two-dimensional shapes. Students have learned important vocabulary words (side, angle, and vertex) that help them describe various 2-D shapes, such as triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, pentagons, and hexagons. As part of this learning, we have been using geoboards, geoboard paper, pattern blocks, and square tiles, which are lots of fun!
Last week, we learned how to build rectangles with a specific area. Then, students created their own Rectangle Riddles in which they built, traced, and then described their rectangle based on the area, number of rows, number of columns, or number of tiles in each row or column. This week, students had a chance to solve each other's riddles.
After that, students worked in pairs, small groups, or independently to create all of the possible rectangles with a specific area, such as 18, 24, or 36 square inches. The posters that they created will be on display in our classroom.
At the end of April, we measured the plaster casts that we made from rubber models of different animal tracks. In some cases, such as with the cottontail rabbit, students were able to compare the difference in length between the front and hind paws.

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