EMES Food Drive~February 6-17
We'll be collecting food items for the local East Montpelier/Calais Food Shelf. If you can, we'd love you to help our class make a great contribution. Canned and boxed food is welcome. Items such as: peanut butter, tuna, soups, pasta, etc. are greatly appreciated.
Friday, February 10th and Friday, February 24th: E.C.O. from 9:05 to 11:10 (Please note that these dates have changed from Tuesdays to Fridays for the month of February.)
Tuesdays, February 7th, 14th, and 21st: Winter Wellness afternoons
All students will be participating in our EMES Winter Wellness Tuesdays. These afternoons begin at 12:45 and last until the end of the school day. It's important for students to remember any and all gear they need to make the most out of his/her chosen activity. At the end of each Wellness Tuesday, students will be dismissed by their Wellness leaders, so we won't see all of the kids at the end of the day, therefore "go home" plans for Tuesdays are especially important.
Tuesday, February 14th: Valentine's Day Friendship Celebration
Wednesday, February 15th: I Love East Montpelier Lunch
It has become an annual tradition at EMES to have a day right around Valentine's Day to celebrate the great community that makes up the town of East Montpelier. We will have a special lunch on this day and guests are welcome to join students. You do need to make a lunch reservation by contacting Susan in the kitchen at solander@u32.org or calling 223-7936 ext. 306. Meals for adults will be $5.75. Here is the schedule for lunch times, in case you want to try to coordinate or plan for others. Students are invited to wear red/pink, etc. on this day to celebrate!
11:15 - 11:50 PK, K, 1
11:50 - 12:25 2, 3, 4
12:25 - 1:00 5-6
Thursday, February 23rd at 6 pm: EMES Celebration of Student Learning
Families are encouraged to join us for this annual EMES event. Students in all grade levels invite you to attend as a family and see the exciting learning that takes place throughout our busy days! The evening begins at 5:30 in the gym with a presentation by the EMES School Board followed by classroom visit time from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
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