In order to continue to advance in their understanding of math, it is crucial that everyone have a solid foundation of basic fact recall. By this time in third grade, it is expected that students have mastered addition and subtraction facts up to 20. Mastery means that students can answer a basic problem in 2 seconds or less orally and 3 seconds or less in writing. Many students do not have the speed of recall necessary to apply the basic facts to problem solving and more advance tasks. We will continue to work on both addition and subtraction facts at school, however, the amount of time we can dedicate to practice is limited. As with any skill, the more you practice, the better you become. It is essential that students practice facts on a daily basis outside of school. One idea, is to select a fact of the day and focus on it. For example 8+7=15. Through out the day, in the car or any time you can fit it in, you could ask your child 8+7=; 7+8=; 15-8=; 15-7=. By varying the question you will help your child to learn "4 facts for the price of 1". Playing dice and card games will also help to improve fact fluency. If you would like additional ideas or resources, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Fitch.
In addition to basic addition and subtraction facts, we have continued our study of multiplication. The students are working to learn their basic multiplication facts and to apply them to more complicated problems. We are discovering patterns and beginning to explore the basic algorithm for multiplying 2 digit numbers by a one digit number. Students are using cuisenaire rods to support the development of this concept. By the end of third grade, students will be expected to have mastered multiplication facts.

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