
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

PE Lab Tomorrow: Golf at the Barre Country Club

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 29th, Ms. Gallagher’s and Mrs. Giammusso’s classes will be participating in a P.E. Lab at the Barre Country Club.  

We will head out from school by bus by 9:30 am.  All chaperones should by about 9:05. We will return to school by about 12:40 pm.

Students should bring/wear:
  • Lunch (unless they have pre-ordered a bag lunch from the cafeteria)
  • Water bottle (no glass please)
  • Sunscreen (if needed)
  • Hat
  • Comfortable clothes that are appropriate for the weather

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Classroom News: East Montpelier: Past, Present, and Future

We kicked off our East Montpelier:  Past, Present, and Future unit this week with a special visit from Austin Cleaves on Wednesday.  He shared information about how East Montpelier became a town and what the early settlements looked like.  

On Thursday, we were visited by “Mrs. Bailey”, (also known as Sandal Cate), who brought in several paintings by Franklin Gilman that showed what life was like on East Montpelier farms in the 1800s.  Students worked in groups to complete an “I Spy” style sheet that helped them look closely at each painting.

We just finished our read aloud book, The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs, which got us ready for this exciting history unit.  This book tells the story of a boy named Eben who starts off thinking that there isn’t anything interesting in his town.  After talking with his father and aunt, he sets out on a challenge to find seven “wonders” in his town. We are starting a Wonder Journal in class to help us write and draw about wonders in the town of East Montpelier. It would be helpful if you could talk with your child about places, things, and/or people that are special to them or to your whole family.  Our current definition of a “wonder” is a person, place, or thing that:
  • Is interesting
  • Has a story behind it
  • Something has happened to it or them
  • Makes you feel wonderful, proud, and/or full of awe or empathy 
  • Is something special, not just ordinary
Next Tuesday, we have a walking field trip to Fairmont Farms and the site of the first permanent settlement in East Montpelier.  

Have a wonderful weekend!