
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Chex Mix Reminder

Chex Mix Sale!
WHEN:  Wednesday, December 19th
COST:  $1.00 per bag
WHY:  All proceeds to benefit
The Santa Project buys new hats, coats, boots, mittens, etc. for children in Central Vermont.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

E.C.O.: Becoming Snowshoe Hares

On Wednesday, we wrote and drew in our E.C.O. journals, telling about what we know and what we want to learn about snowshoe hares. Then, on Thursday, we went out to the woods for a lesson about snowshoe hares and the adaptations that help them survive during the winter in Vermont.  
First, we tried to jump like snowshoe hares.  We learned that hares can bound up to 12 feet in a single leap and that they have been clocked running up to 30 miles per hour on ice!  We discussed how their hind feet are covered in fur and how they can spread their toes apart to increase the surface area of their feet.  These special features allow them to walk on top of snow when many other animals sink into the deep snow. 

Next, we played a predator/prey tag game as we became hares and their various predators, such as foxes, coyotes, and owls. 


For our main lesson, we learned about how snowshoe hares change colors which allows them to camouflage themselves in their habitat during different seasons.  Students worked in small groups, taking turns being a brown snowshoe hare, a white snowshoe hare, or a predator. The "hares" hid their fabric hares somewhere in their "territory".  Then, the predator had to try to find the hares. Groups kept track of which hare was easier to find. Students discovered that in the late fall, there were good places for both the brown and white hares to be camouflaged, such as on the snow, under or near a fallen tree, and in an area with lots of smaller trees or branches.



We also saw some real snowshoe hare tracks in the snow!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Chex Mix Kindness Project

Grades 2/3 Community Service Project

For many years the students in our school have completed a community service project during the holidays.  The project is THE WORLD newspaper’s “SANTA PROJECT”.  This project collects money and buys new coats, hats, boots, and mittens for Central Vermont children.  This year, we will once again, make and sell “Chex Mix” as a fundraiser for this project.  We will make the mix on Tuesday, December 18th and sell it on Wednesday, December 19th to students, staff and families of EMES.  The cost will be $1.00 per bag.

In order for this project to be a success we are asking families for donations of mix supplies.  It is truly amazing and fun for the kids to see all the great contributions we receive each year.  We need many, many boxes of cereal it can be Chex or a generic variety, it doesn’t matter the brand!  We cannot accept any nuts or products that contain any honey-nut ingredients.  Please check ingredients before sending in contributions, pretzels can be especially tricky!  Following is a list of types of cereals, etc. we can use:
  • Wheat Chex                                    Goldfish style crackers
  • Corn chex                                        Cheez-it style crackers
  • Rice chex                                        Small pretzels-check labels!
  • Cheerios (no honey nut)                    Mini melba toast                   

We will supply the spices, butter and baggies for the project.  Please send in your donations by Friday, December 14th so we can plan accordingly.

Thank you for your generosity in this important event.  We know how expensive groceries are, so we really appreciate your help in teaching this important lesson of giving to our students.

Please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail us with any questions!  If you can help bake or bag the mix the afternoon of Tuesday,December 18h, please let us know.  THANK YOU!!

Beth Parker
Claire Gallagher

Laura Giammusso

Upcoming Events

Hour of Code:  Thursday, December 6th, 3:45-5:00 (Library)

Scholastic Book Order Due Date:  Friday, December 7th

EMES School Store:  Friday, December 7th, 830-9:00 (Library)

E.C.O. Lesson: Thursday, December 13th (morning)  
Please help your child dress warmly to spend the morning outdoors.  Thanks!

R.I.F. Book Giveaway: Friday, December 14th

Gifts for Giving:  Tuesday, December 18th (snow date- Dec. 19th)

2nd/3rd Grade Chex Mix:  Tuesday, December 18th
This is the day that we prepare the Chex Mix.
We need adult volunteers to help us bake and bag the Chex Mix.  Please let me know if you are available to help.  Thanks!

Chex Mix Sale:  Wednesday, December 19th

Classroom Holiday Party:  Friday, December 21st (time- to be determined)
If you would like to contribute an item for the party, please send me an email or fill out the form that is coming home tomorrow.  Thanks!

Holiday Break:  Saturday, December 22nd to Tuesday, January 1st

Band/Chorus Concert:  Thursday, January 17th, 6 pm (gym)

K-3/Chorus Concert:  Thursday, January 24th, 5:30 pm (gym)

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hour of Code Event: December 6th


Hour of Code
(hosted by U32 Robo Raiders )
Dec 6th from 3:45 - 5:00 pm
Location: EMES Library

Hour of Code at EMES: While there will be opportunities for EMES students to participate in Hour of Code activities during the school day, the Dec 6th afterschool event gives students time to dig deeper into coding.  This year’s theme is being creative with code.

What is the Hour of Code? The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts. This grassroots campaign is supported by over 400 partners and 200,000 educators worldwide.

When is the Hour of Code? The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The 2018 Computer Science Education Week will be December 3-9, but you can host an Hour of Code all year-round. Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906).

Who can attend? has activities for pre-readers and up.  In addition to this year’s new Dance Party and Minecraft activities (for grades 2 and beyond), we will have coding projects ready to go that are appropriate for all EMES students.

Questions?  Contact Arlyn Bruccoli