
Friday, January 29, 2016

Classroom News: Winter Concert and Blogging!

Second and third graders did an amazing job performing at the Winter Concert on Thursday!  I was also proud of their polite audience behavior throughout the performance.  Nice work, team!

This week, we worked on our blog entries during our technology integration time with Ms. Arlyn.  I read the book, The Matchbox Diary, aloud to the class.  Then, students wrote a blog post on Kidblog about an object they would choose to save if they were keeping a matchbox diary.  They are doing a great job describing their objects and explaining why they are important reminders of a special time or activity.

Report cards are coming home in Friday Folders.  Please let me know if you have any questions about your child's progress.

Upcoming Events and Reminders:

Thursday, February 4th:  Our House personal safety presentation (Please return permission forms by Monday.)

Friday, February 5th:  No School for Students (Teacher In-service)

Monday, February 8th:  Scholastic Book Orders due

Wednesday, February 17th:  5:30-7:00 pm: EMES Celebration of Learning

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Classroom News

Winter Concert

On Thursday, January 28th, our class will participate in the K-3 Winter Concert.  The concert will begin at 2:30 pmFamilies are invited to attend this special event.  The concert will be about 45 minutes long.  Please help your child dress nicely for the concert.  You do not need to buy anything new.  Please let Ms. Gelfon know if you have any questions. 

 R.I.F. Book Give Away!

On Thursday, everyone had a chance to pick a book to take home as part of the Reading Is Fundamental (R.I.F.) book give away!  A big thank you to Shaline Bridal Boutique and Sewing Studio and rb Technologies for sponsoring this event!

Second Grade Math and Homework

We will continue to work on subtraction strategies over the next few weeks to improve fact fluency and strategy use.  Mrs. Fitch and I will be including games and worksheets in the homework to provide extra practice at home.  I let second graders know that the last page of this week's homework is a bonus page

If second and third grade students finish homework early, they are always encouraged to keep reading and practicing math facts.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Classroom News

What a great start to 2016!  Our class was excited to welcome a new student as we returned after the holiday break!  Everyone also seemed ready to get back to work.

In Literacy, we have been learning about informational texts and exploring ways to think about and talk about our learning.  We discussed the importance of reading all parts of a text, including text features.  We have also been working on asking questions to help us "grow our knowledge" as we read these interesting non-fiction books.  In our second and third grade writing classes, students have been creating their own informational texts.

We also continued our Lego Robotics work with our partners as we created programs that included a loop, motor directions, and a math problem.  Students shared their programs with each other.

Upcoming Events and Reminders:

Tuesday, January 12th:  Our first Winter Wellness afternoon!
  • Please remind your child to bring outdoor clothing so he or she can participate in our fun Winter Wellness activities!  Morse Farm and Winter Fun at EMES groups will both be staying at EMES on Jan. 12th due to snow conditions.  Students should still come prepared for spending time outdoors.
    • Snow pants, snow jacket, gloves, face mask (if preferred), long socks
    • Ski helmet
    • Goggles are preferable, but not mandatory
    • Equipment if bringing your own
    • An afternoon snack and plenty to drink (water bottle preferable)
    Ice Skating at Civic Center:
    • Beginner skaters should wear snow pants
    • Waterproof gloves and a warm jacket
    • Helmet (bike, hockey, skating, etc.)
    • Skates if bringing your own
    Cross Country/ Snow Shoeing at Morse Farm:
    • Snow pants/ski pants, warm jacket, waterproof gloves, hat
    • Equipment if bringing your own
    Winter Fun at EMES:
    • Snow pants, warm jacket, waterproof gloves, hat, boots
    • Sleds if bringing your own

Monday, January 18th:  Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School for Students 

Thursday, January 28th:  Music Concert at 2:30 in the gym.   Families are invited to join us!

Wednesday, February 17th:  5:30-7:00 pm- EMES Celebration of Learning