
Friday, August 28, 2015

Classroom News: Our First Week!

We had a busy and exciting first week of school!  We worked on our All About Me books and participated in a class scavenger hunt to learn about our classmates.  Students had a chance to share about their summer vacation.  We also practiced building stamina to read independently during our "Read to Self" times.

In math class, both second and third grade groups worked on counting patterns. Second graders focused on counting by 2s.  Students had many interesting math observations to share with their classmates.  We also learned how to use our new math journals and to write numbers on the grid paper.  Ask your second grader about counting by 2s on the "scrolls".

We have also been working on our first social studies theme, which is "Building Our Classroom Community".  The first part of this unit focuses on reviewing school expectations and creating our classroom expectations "tree".  We have also been discussing KHFOOTY (Keep Hands, Feet, and Other Objects To Yourself) and the school-wide expectations for voice levels.

I have been impressed with the way students are already working together as a classroom team!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  I am very excited to have your child in my class.  I am really looking forward to this school year with our wonderful group.  I wanted to let you know some important information about our classroom schedule and routines.
Specials Classes:
Here is our specials schedule.  Students should remember to bring or wear sneakers for P.E. days and return books on library days. 


Technology units (alternating with Mrs. Fitch’s class)






Sharing is an important part of our daily Morning Meeting as a whole class.  It is a time for students to practice their speaking and listening skills.  It is also a wonderful way for us to get to know each other better and to learn about what is most important to our classmates.  Starting in September, I will give more information about our sharing schedule. 

Classroom News/Blog:
This year, I will continue using this classroom blog to communicate with families.  I will post photos, important information, and descriptions of work that we are doing in our classroom.  Please return the blog permission forms as soon as possible.

Items to bring to school:
Please remember to pack a snack for your child each day.  Please make sure to read the letter that Elizabeth and I sent home on Tuesday about peanut/tree nut free snacks and our classroom.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us.  I usually have extra snack in case someone forgets, but not enough for every day.  Also, students are encouraged to bring a water bottle that they can keep on their table.  Thanks!

Please contact me with any questions.  You can email me at  You can also reach me at school at 223-7936 ext. 325.  If you have a change in dismissal plans, please also contact the front office, as I may not get the message in time for dismissal.