
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Classroom News

We have been busy creating graphs, participating in reading discussion groups, finishing writing pieces, and learning about how seeds travel.  Here are some photos from the last couple of weeks.

Graphing Data about our Favorite Things

Learning about How Seeds Travel

Seeds travel on the air, like dandelion seeds

and Japanese maple seeds.

Some seeds, such as the sea coconut, hamburger bean, and swamp palm, travel by floating on water.

We learned about other ways that seeds travel, too!

Next, we made our own seeds out of feathers, cotton balls, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, and other materials.  We designed them to float on the breeze.  We tested our designs using a fan and then by dropping them from the top of the play structure.  It was exciting to see our seeds take flight!  When they landed, we used movement to show what types of plants we imagined growing from our seeds.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Classroom News: Science Photos and Upcoming Events

Here are some science photos from this week.  We had our last ECO lesson of the year on Thursday. We were happy that Mrs. Fitch could join us, too!  A big thank you to Carrie for being such a wonderful ECO teacher this year!  It was exciting to see the changes in our trees throughout the year, especially since our last check-in.

We also had the chance to read Air All Around Us this week.  Afterwards, we tried a quick experiment to see how air takes up space.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, June 3rd, 4:00-6:00 pm: Open House to celebrate Ms. Dunkling's retirement

Monday, June 15th: Field Day

Tuesday, June 16th, 6:00 pm: 6th Grade Graduation

Wednesday, June 17th: Last Day of School for students, 12:30 Dismissal

Other Information:

Summer Reading Program Forms were sent home on Friday. Please return the form by Friday, June 5th if your child would like to participate in this wonderful program.