
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Classroom News: Stacking Liquids, ECO, Fractions, and More!

Is it possible to stack liquids?  Yes!  Liquids of different densities can be stacked carefully on top of each other.  The liquids that weigh more sink below the liquids that weigh less.  This was a fun demonstration to try!  Students had the opportunity to use their wonderful observation skills and to create a science journal entry about what they noticed.

On Thursday, we participated in an interesting ECO lesson focusing on insects.  We learned about their body parts, such as the head, thorax, and abdomen.  We also talked about how insects have a special anti-freeze that allows them to survive in the winter.  Then, we played an "anti-freeze" tag game.  In the woods, we looked for evidence of insects on trees, in the soil by the shed, and under the snow.

We started a new fraction unit in math class this week.  We have been learning how to divide shapes, objects, and groups of objects into halves.  We learned how to write one half in words and numbers.  If you notice your family using fractions at home or out in the community, please share these ideas with your child.  For example: cutting sandwiches in halves or fourths, noticing when a gas tank is half empty, telling times (such as "half past three), looking at half dollars, and using measuring cups for baking. 

Important Dates and Reminders:

Conference confirmation forms were sent home in Friday Folders.  If you need to reschedule, please call or email to set up a new time. 

Thursday, April 2nd and Friday, April 3rd:  1/2 Day for Students for Parent/Teacher Conferences
           12:30 Dismissal both days
Friday, April 3rd:  Homework Due
Thursdays, April 9th and 16th:  ECO
Monday, April 20th-Friday, April 24th:  April Vacation

Stacking liquids!

Dividing shapes in half

ECO:  Looking for Evidence of Insects!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Classroom News: Mercado, Racing Liquids, and Biographies

As always, it was a busy week in the second grade!  We are voraciously reading biographies and recording interesting and important words on our "Words Worth Noticing" sheets.  We have also been learning how to use context clues and the glossary to help us determine the meanings of these words. I read aloud a biography of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and we learned about some important events in her life, such as how she helped make progress with getting the right to vote for women in our country.

In Spanish, we participated in a healthy snacks mercado (market) activity with our preschool buddies.  Students were excited to practice selling and buying foods at the market.  It was fun to hear everyone using their script to help them practice important phrases in Spanish.  Thank you to everyone who contributed healthy snacks!  And muchas gracias to SeƱorita Gray for organizing this special event!

During science time, we worked on our observation skills by recording how different liquids look, smell, feel, and taste.  Next, we talked about scientific method and practiced writing our hypothesis (best guess) about which of the four liquids (honey, dish soap, vegetable oil, and corn syrup) would flow fastest.  Then, the race was on!  Check out our photos below and ask your student which liquid won the race in his or her group.

Important Events and Information:

Conference sign up sheets are coming home today.  Please indicate your first three choices or let me know if you are flexible about times.  Also, let me know if you would like me to coordinate times with another teacher.  If the dates do not work for you, let me know some days and times that you are available.  Thanks!

Monday, March 23rd:  Scholastic Book Order due
Thursday, March 26th:  ECO
Thursday, April 2nd and Friday, April 3rd:  1/2 Day for Students and Parent/Teacher Conferences
           12:30 Dismissal both days
Friday, April 3rd:  Homework Due
Thursdays, April 9th and 16th:  ECO
Monday, April 20th-Friday, April 24th:  April Vacation


Liquids Race!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Classroom News: Montshire Museum, ECO, and More!

Wow!  What a week!  We started reading biographies in literacy.  Students did a wonderful job using a variety of subtraction strategies to solve number stories in math.  Arlyn joined us for some Typing Club time on Monday.  We also finished up collaborative project with Ms. Holmes-Heiss and Ms. Arlyn that we will share at an all-school meeting on Monday.  (I will post the link soon!)  On Friday, we had the opportunity to use movement to explore the different ways that animals stay warm and well-fed during the winter.

On Wednesday, our K/1/2 team enjoyed a full day at the Montshire Museum.  As you can tell by the photos, we had a great time.  The bubble exhibit was definitely a favorite!  Thank you to our wonderful chaperones, Diane, Josh, Tonia, Paul, and Kim, who joined us for fun event!

Please check your child's Friday Folder for a coupon for a free child admission for families to use.  If you are not planning to use your pass, you can return them to me and I will share them with families that could use an extra pass for a sibling.

On Thursday morning, we participated in an ECO lesson that focused on the trees in our forest habitat.  Our game, Tree Bark/Porcupine/Fisher Tag, helped us to think about a specific food chain and see what happens when populations increase and decrease.  We tried pine needle tea, which was sweetened with honey and kept us warm!  Students worked with their partners to revisit the trees they had chosen during a previous lesson.  We will continue to take time to record our observations about these same trees every few weeks.  In the afternoon, everyone added a new entry to their ECO journals describing a "small moment" from our lesson.

Please check your child's Friday Folder for a letter from Senorita Gray about a special healthy snack market activity that students will be participating in next Thursday.  She would appreciate donations of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks for this activity. 

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, March 19th: Mercado (Market) in Spanish class (See sheet in Friday Folder about
           donations of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks.)
Monday, March 23rd:  Scholastic Book Order due
Thursday, March 26th:  ECO
Thursday, April 2nd and Friday, April 3rd:  1/2 Day for Students and Parent/Teacher Conferences
           (I will send home information and sign-ups soon.)
Friday, April 3rd:  Homework Due

Friday, March 6, 2015

Classroom News

It has been wonderful to get back to learning in our classroom!  Students came back from vacation with great enthusiasm and energy!

In math, we are returning to our work on solving addition and subtraction number stories this month.  Students are working on showing their math thinking using a variety of strategies.  I have been so impressed by everyone's  hard work and positive attitudes.

On Thursday, we had an exciting ECO lesson with Carrie.  We learned about different types of mammal tracks.  Since it was a very chilly morning, we started our work inside by learning how to classify mammals by the way they move.  We learned how walkers, bounders, hoppers, and waddlers move.  Then, we had a chance to practice moving in those different ways on yoga mats that had footprints drawn on them.  Next, we went outside for our snack, a story, and a fun game called Coyote and Moose.  We learned why it is harder for coyotes to walk in the deep snow.

In the afternoon, students wrote about their learning in their ECO journals.  We practiced using elaboration to stretch out our writing with interesting details and descriptions.

New homework will be sent home early next week.  In the meantime, please encourage your child to read at least every other day and to practice addition and subtraction facts.  Thanks!

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, March 11th- Montshire Museum field trip- Please let me know by Monday if your child will need a bag lunch from the cafeteria.
Thursdays, March 12th and 26th- ECO- Please remind your child to dress warmly with appropriate gear for a full morning outdoors.