This week, we have lots of reminders, information, and upcoming events!
Please remind your child to bring his or her recorder on Wednesdays for music class. This week, only about one-third of our class brought their instruments, which makes it very challenging for them to practice for the upcoming concert on June 5th. It would be wonderful for us to participate in this special event, but we need to practice during class times in order to be prepared. Thanks!
A permission slip is coming home today for an upcoming performance about the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder at the Barre Opera House on Wednesday, May 28th. Please sign and return the form as soon as possible.
Our East Montpelier Scavenger Hunt field trip is scheduled for Friday, June 13th. Thank you to all of the parents who signed up to drive on this field trip. If you are not a level 2 volunteer, but would like to participate, we are looking for several parents to be "tour guides" at some of the sites around town or to accompany level 2 drivers who have larger groups. Please let me know if you are interested.
You will notice that the student placement forms for next year are in today's Friday Folder. Please complete and return this form by the due date. Our team appreciates parent input as we make placement decisions for next year. You will notice that there have been some changes to our team for next year.
I will be teaching 2nd grade next year as part of the K/1/2 team. Christine Christiano will be teaching a single grade 3rd grade class. Kathy Christy and Jennifer Fitch will be teaching the multi-age 3rd/4th grade class. Dave Willard will teach a single grade 4th grade class.
Kathy Christy and Jennifer Fitch will be teaching the multi-age 3/4 next year. They will continue a model similar to this year. Mrs. Christy will be in the classroom in the morning and Mrs. Fitch will be in the classroom in the afternoon. When they are not in the classroom, they will have other responsibilities. Mrs. Christy will be leading professional development and Mrs. Fitch will be working as the Reading Specialist.
We kicked off our East Montpelier: Past, Present, and Future unit with a visit from Michael Duane (Ms. Knoedler's husband). Mr. Duane is a member of the East Montpelier Historical Society. He shared an amazing amount of important information about the geography and history of East Montpelier. Throughout this unit, we will have several other guest speakers visit the second and third grade classes.