
Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Week

What a busy first week back!  Students seemed excited to see all of the wonderful changes going on at EMES!  It will be so interesting to follow the progress of the building project this year.  Students have adjusted very quickly to having lunch in the classrooms.  They have also been working hard as they learn about classroom and school-wide expectations for behavior as part of our new PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program. 

I have been impressed with how well students are learning our classroom expectations and routines.  It is wonderful to welcome back our third graders who were in my class last year.  These students already know many routines and have been ready to get to work from the minute they walked into our new room.  They are great role models!  Second graders have done an amazing job with trying new activities and working hard during all lessons and games.

We have started building our classroom community by participating in a classroom scavenger hunt and playing games, such as The North Wind Blows and 1 to 10 Shaping.  We also started working on All About Me posters and bar graphs about our favorite things, which will help us get to know more about each other.

This week, we have been building stamina to write for longer periods of time.   In their new writing journals, students have been working on "free writes" about what they did this summer.  Each day, a different group of students has shared their stories.  It has been great to hear all of the wonderful things everyone did this summer, whether they traveled or stayed close to home.  Ask your child what he or she wrote about this week.

Please remember to return the beginning of the year paperwork to school as soon as possible.   Don't forget to click on the "Follow by Email" box to add your email address so you will receive an email whenever new posts are added. 

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome Back!

I am looking forward to the start of a new school year teaching our second and third grade class.  Over the summer, I have been busy enjoying time with my family, taking a class, and setting up our classroom.  I hope everyone had a wonderful summer vacation and I can't wait to hear all of your stories!